Programmatic Insights

The programmatic streams tab is designed to analyze the performance on programmatic sources: algorithmic playlists, radio & autoplay, and user-generated and third-party/editorial playlists.

The programmatic Insights tab allows you to break down the contribution of each of the sources of the programmatic streams and assess streaming engagement by playlist or algorithmic placement.

Editorial and User playlists performance

This view offers a complete record of streaming performance on user & editorial playlists:

  • Ribbon chart of top 10 user/editorial placements (by #streams for the period).

  • A complete table of all user/editorial playlists that generated streams for the period

    • Complete tables can take a while to load when the selection is not filtered by release or track

    • Sparklines on the placement table allow to quickly assess the trend for a specific playlist/placement

Algorithmic playlists performance

Use this view to see a complete record of streaming performance on algorithmic playlists & placements:

  • Ribbon chart of top 10 algorithmic placements (by #streams for the period)

  • A complete table of all algorithmic playlists that generated streams for the period

    • Sparklines on the placement table allow to quickly assess the trend for a specific playlist/placement

Radio and autoplay performance

This view provides an overview of performance on radio & autoplay features by DSP, artist & track

  • The graph of radio & autoplay streams at the bottom of the section can be filtered by interacting with the elements above.

Last updated