Royalty Tokens
Revelator Wallet offers full support for Royalty Tokens minted by Original Works Protocol. Royalty Tokens allow for their rights holders to receive their allocated split percentage of digital royalty payments directly to their wallet in USDC.
A rights holders split percentage is defined by the number of royalty tokens they hold in their wallet of the token supply available. For instance 3 rights holders may split the token supply for a given track the following way:
Rights Holder 1: 50%
Rights Holder 2: 30%
Rights Holder 3: 20%
When the royalty token contract is sent a royalty payment of 1,250 USDC (net), the contract automatically distributes the payment according to each rights holders split. Rights Holder 1 receives 625 USDC (50%), Rights Holder 2 receives 375 USDC (30%), and Rights Holder 3 receives 250 USDC (20%).
Token Details
Royalty Tokens are embedded with the metadata of the asset they represent. Within a Royalty Token you may find the following information:
Metadata, including rich information and unique identifiers (such as ISRC, and ISWC).
Artwork, from the release the asset appears on.
Releases, that the asset appears on in music stores and digital services (such as Spotify)
Pipeline Royalties (coming soon), based on live streaming data provided by digital services (such as Spotify)
Royalty History, since the token was minted and received it's first royalty payment.
Sending Royalty Tokens
Royalty Tokens can be sent from your wallet to any other 0x wallet or smart contract address. This allows you to control and distribute your split percentage on royalties as you see fit.
Receiving Royalty Payments
To receive a royalty payment directly to your wallet, you just need to be holding at least 1 Royalty Token for a revenue earning asset. That's it!
As soon as a royalty payment is paid to the token contract, your split (based on the token supply) will be automatically distributed to you as USDC. If you have push notifications enabled, you will also be notified on your phone as soon as the payment arrives.
Withdraw Royalties To Your Bank
You can even withdraw the royalties you receive in USDC direct to your bank account. See our article for how to Withdraw To Your Bank.
Last updated