Tracking Your Activity

Your wallet's activity can be viewed at any time from app. The following transactions will be available to review:

  • Sending or receiving crypto (e.g. ETH, POL, USDC etc.)

  • Sending or receiving splits (of royalty tokens and other contracts)

  • Sending or receiving NFT collectibles (coming soon)

  • Receiving royalty payments*

  • Dapp interactions (coming soon)

*Royalty payments can only be received when you hold royalty tokens in your wallet.

With Notifications ON, you will receive push notifications to your lock screen each time your wallet receives crypto, splits, and royalty payments 🤑.

Turning on notifications

There are two ways to enable notifications from the app.

  1. Open the Activity tab. ↳ If your wallet has no transactions available yet, tap Turn on notifications. ↳ If your wallet already has activity, a small prompt will be present. Tap Turn on to enable push notifications.

  2. Open the apps settings via your avatar image available top left from each tab. ↳If Notifications is set to Off, tap it to enable notifications.

Last updated