Where are Revelator NFT media files Stored?

IPFS – IPFS is the distributed point where your files live. It doesn't rely on a centralized server but a distributed network of nodes that aim to track the integrity of the files stored in it.

What Payment methods are available?

By default, users are able to use a web3 wallet and make payments with crypto. We also support a Stripe integration for payments using credit cards.

What blockchain networks are supported?

We currently mint NFTs on the Polygon main network in production.

For testing on the Revelator Staging environment, assets are minted on the Polygon test network, Amoy.

Where are the NFTs purchased with a credit card delivered to?

We have created an environment that enables a custodial / managed wallet for a user to possess and handle the NFTs purchased. These wallets seed phrases are created randomly meaning Revelator doesn't store passwords from users/clients. These users access their wallet and stored NFTs using the email and password they set at the time of their account creation.

What kind of license is granted to the buyer?

It is the sole discretion of the NFT creator/minter to explicitly declare and concede the licenses permitted for a certain NFT and the scope it can be used for.

Where can my buyers buy MATIC if they prefer not to use a credit card?

MATIC can be obtained from all major exchanges and loaded into any Ethereum compatible wallet (such as Metamask, Coinbase Wallet and more).

When do I receive royalties from NFT items sold?

Say one of your NFTs is purchased from your storefront. The following will occur:

  • The Sale price amount (less our service fee) goes to your wallet in Revelator Pro.

  • NFT items sold will move to the buyers wallet/account (outside of Revelator Pro).

  • You will still be able to track the item from the sold tab in your Collectibles page.

Now the buyer may decide to hold the NFT for an extended period or they may re-list it for sale on third-party marketplaces such as OpenSea.

When the buyer sells the NFT, the following will occur:

  • Sale price amount (minus the royalty %) will go to the buyer who listed it for sale.

  • Royalty % will go to the royalty recipient (defined in the NFT at creation)

How Do I list an NFT item on OpenSea?

To list an NFT item for sale:

  1. In OpenSea, go to your profile.

  2. Select the NFT item from your wallet that you would like to sell.

  3. On the top right of the item page, click Sell

You will be presented with a window where you may configure the following options:

  • Type: choose what type of sale you are listing.

  • Price: set the price you wish to list your NFT for.

  • Duration: set how long your sale is active.

Click Complete Listing when ready to list. For more information about listing NFTs on OpenSea, take a look here.

Last updated