Revenue Analytics

How do I view my monthly revenue?

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Monthly Revenue in the left main menu. In the Monthly Revenue page, you can access all analytics tied to monthly revenue and the Earnings section. Click in any of the graphs to view more details. Use the filter and the date picker to fine-tune the display according to your criteria needs. For details about filtering, time period options, and viewing all related trend graphs, see the relevant steps in How do I view my daily trends?

  1. To export your monthly revenue to an Excel file, click the Export button (on the upper right).

Revenue Analytics

Compare your monthly revenue over time using a dynamic, comprehensive graph. Like Daily Trends, view a wide amount of information about your assets across all connected services. View download and streaming numbers organized by label, artist, or track. Compare sales across channels, services, or by region at the country or even city level.

Last updated